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The Creamy Cake That Will Make You Melt: A Must-Try Delight!



Let’s start with the caramel, always a good idea to begin with the best! Prepare it and lovingly pour it into your baking dish.


For our first batter: Mix those eggs, condensed milk, cream, milk, and of course, the sugar. Once it’s all blended nicely, strain this masterpiece into the dish.

For the second batter: Whisk together the egg yolks, sugar, milk, oil, more sugar, flour, and baking powder. On the side, whip up those egg whites until they form a firm, white foam with a pinch of salt and sugar. Guess what’s next? Pour it all into the baking dish!


Pro tip of the day: Place your baking dish inside a larger pan and pour hot water around it. Why, you ask? It’s a chef’s secret! But take my word for it, it’s a game-changer.

Eager to see the finale? Jump to the next page to discover how this delectable delight comes together.