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At this school, boys learn to cook, clean and iron clothes



Who wouldn't dream of having an independent child who makes their bed, tidies up their things and gets involved in family life at home? We all dream of it, right? Complicated, you say? But no, you just need to instill in him a sense of responsibility from an early age. How to get him involved? Here are some ideas.


In terms of education, there are often two schools of thought: on the one hand, overly lax parents who give in to their children's every whim and do almost everything for them. On the other, more rigorous and firm parents who push their little ones to become independent. Without going to extremes, it would be good to find a happy medium. If you don't involve your toddlers in household chores at all, you're doing them a disservice. On the contrary, it is advisable to develop their independence early enough to help them become familiar with domestic life and gain autonomy.


The importance of acquiring a sense of responsibility early enough

Casually, children can learn a lot by doing household chores. They thus learn to become more independent, to take care of themselves, to play an important role in the house, even within the family. Generally speaking, little ones like to feel useful and help in their own way. So, even if some people may be reluctant at first, if you show them your pride, they will find real satisfaction and will enjoy it. Additionally, even if they don't know it yet, they are learning skills that they can use in their adult lives, such as preparing meals, cleaning living spaces, organizing the house and gardening. .

Household chores: playful involvement of the child in the home


And that's not all: participating in household chores will also allow them to acquire relational skills, such as communication, negotiation, cooperation and teamwork. And you will notice it quite quickly: when children contribute to family life, they immediately feel important, competent and responsible. Even if they don't like certain arduous chores, if they keep going and stick with it, they end up feeling a strong sense of satisfaction from having completed the task.

As a bonus, sharing household chores provides a certain family solidarity which helps reduce stress and tension. When children get involved at home, tasks are accomplished more quickly and parents are somewhat relieved of daily chores. Consequently, this frees up quality time to have fun together and enjoy friendly family moments.


The rest of the article on the next page