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The Perfect Way to Wash Red Berries: Chef-Approved Technique!



Ah, Red Berries!

– Strawberries, raspberries, blueberries, currants, blackcurrants… you catch my drift. These little delights that we pick with care, adore atop our cakes or simply relish in their natural form. But before diving in, there’s that crucial step: washing! And of course, some might think, “I just run them under water, and it’s all good.” Think again! There’s a superior way, endorsed by a pro. Ready to dive in?


As the warm days set in, there’s nothing better than these delectable fruits making their appearance – be it at the marketplace stalls or your backyard bushes. Indeed, the red berry season is just kicking off, so why not make the most of it? Who can resist the temptation of biting into a freshly picked currant?

But hold on! – Whether you’re using them in a dessert, a sauce, or just munching straight from the bowl, there’s one critical step you mustn’t skip: washing them! And not just a quick rinse. We’re aiming to remove pesticides, dirt, and anything else lurking there.


Want to discover the rest of the chef-approved technique? Stay tuned and…