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DIY Mandarinetto: How to Make Mandarin Liqueur at Home



Step 1: Begin by thoroughly washing and drying the mandarins. Using a vegetable peeler, carefully peel the skin of the mandarins, being mindful to only peel the outermost layer, leaving the white pith behind.


Step 2: Place the mandarin peels in a large glass jar and pour the pure alcohol over them, ensuring that the peels are completely submerged in the alcohol. Seal the jar tightly and let it sit in a cool, dark place for 10 days, allowing the peels to infuse the alcohol with their fragrant essence.

Step 3: After 10 days, prepare the syrup by bringing the water and sugar to a boil in a saucepan. Let the syrup cool completely.


Step 4: Once the syrup is cooled, strain the alcohol from the mandarin peels into a clean glass jar, discarding the peels. Next, add the prepared syrup to the jar with the infused alcohol and give it a good stir.

Step 5: Seal the jar once again and store it in a cool, dark place for at least one month, allowing the flavors to meld and mellow.


After a month, your mandarin liqueur will be ready to enjoy. Serve it chilled in small glasses as a delightful digestif, or use it as a flavorful addition to desserts and cocktails. Indulge in the sweet and citrusy flavors of this homemade mandarin liqueur all year round. Cheers!